VIT | Vidyalankar Institute of Technology


Staff Convener
Student Convener


Webinar on – ARDUINO Simulation with TINKERCAD was conducted on 4th August 2020 in which 95 participants both students and faculty from inside and outside the institute participated. Participants learned about ARDUINO and Simulation of ARDUINO based circuits on TINKERCAD simulation platform which was helpful to them for the project work during the pandemic.

Seminar on – How to make two from one-molecular regulation of cell division was organized on 13th March 2020. This was addressed by Dr. Mithilesh Mishra a Bio Physicist from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. This was attended by 70 students and faculty members. 

IMPULSE 2020-Biomedical Festival was organized on 7th March 2020 in collaboration with BMESI India and BMSA in which around 150 participants including faculty and professional from Mumbai had participated. Participants could attend 3 hands on workshops conducted by Medical Devices industries.

Poster Presentation Contest was organized on the first day of IMPULSE on 6th March 2020 in which posters on various fields related to Biomedical, Electronics and Informatics were displayed. There were 20 Posters presented during the event.

Visit to Centre of Excellence in for Minimal Access Surgery Training (CEMAST) was organized on 17th January 2020in which selected representatives from SE, TE and BE were participated. CEMAST is a training centre for MAS (Minimal Access Surgery) where trainers would guide the surgeons to practice endoscopy and assist in practicing surgery and students could understand the facility at CEMAST.

Workshop on – Project Presentation was organized on 25th September 2019 where around 65 students, faculty and professional were attended. The participants could enhance their knowledge about Project Selection and Execution.

Organ Donation Seminar was organized on 14th September 2019 in which 60 students and faculty were attended. In the seminar participants were made aware of importance of donating organs, various organizations involved, the procedure and their social implications.

Seminar on – Optical Trapping and Bio Nano Machines was organized on 9th September 2019 which was presented by Dr. Roop Mallik, an Indian Biophysicist from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research who has won Infosys Prize for best Innovation in 2018. Around 65 participants could understand about bio nano-machines its range of dimensions, working in a medium and its movements and its use in Cancer treatment.

Visit to Department of Biosciences Laboratory – Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Colaba was organized on 30th March 2019 in which 40 selected participants from SE/TE/BE of Biomedical Engineering branch had attended. Participants could understand the various Research happening in the field of Biosciences and the possible projects.