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alumni community
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VIT’s Accomplishments Celebrating Excellence
The Institute is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC): A+The following courses are accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA): Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
Being true to oneself and others; being trustworthy and straightforward in all our professional and personal dealings. To walk on the path of honesty and fairness, irrespective of the consequences that may ensue.
Unwaveringly adhering to moral and ethical principles and upholding righteous behaviour. Developing strength of character, which is absolutely incorruptible at any point in the teaching-learning process and in one’s academic and professional life.
Setting high standards and quality benchmarks for one self and endeavoring to reach them. Doing the very best one can in every task that one accomplishes. Aiming for personal, academic and professional excellence and never compromising with mediocrity.
Being aware of and shouldering one’s responsibilities towards self, institute, home and society. Acquire the inner belief to fulfil one’s responsibilities to the best of one’s abilities. Being accountable for one’s actions; practicing what one preaches and leading by example.
Complete dedication and thorough engagement towards work. Inculcating loyalty and developing a sense of ownership. To be sincere in approach, adhere to deadlines and have a result-oriented approach.
Nurturing and promoting a feeling of well-being and a healthy and wholesome academic and professional environment. An attitude that is favorable to develop a healthy body, mind and character.
To be a globally recognized institute where learners are nurtured in a scholarly environment to evolve into competent professionals and researchers to benefit society.
Evolve a curriculum which emphasizes on strong fundamentals with the flexibility to choose advanced courses of interest and gain exposure to tools and techniques in contemporary subjects.
Encourage a teaching-learning process in which highly competent faculty share a symbiotic association with institutes of repute.
Facilitate creation and dissemination of knowledge through a digitally-enabled learning environment.
Develop academic and infrastructural facilities with modern equipment and other learning resources and encourage reciprocal sharing with other institutes through networking.
Establish a Center of Excellence to enhance academia-industry partnership and work on collaborative projects.