Electronics and Computer Science
Technical Advisor
Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Senior Member IEEE
Life member ISTE
Fellow IETE
I hail from a joint family with a humble background. Since childhood, I was inspired by my gurus – my mother and grandmother who were my primary teachers. In my schooldays, while performing well in my studies, I also learnt instrumental music, excelled at athletics and bagged a number of prizes at the district level. My first brush with teaching was when I taught Mathematics and English to IXstandard students on ‘School Day’, for which I was much appreciated by my teachers.
Having secured 14th rank in the SSC divisional board, I opted for Diploma in Electrical Engineering which paved the way for higher studies. I overcame many social obstacles, as those were the days when Engineering education was pursued by very few women, but with encouragement from my teachers, I completed B.E. with second rank in the University. Immediately after graduation, I joined as a lecturer in SGGS IE &T, Nanded. While I was in service, I completed my M.E. with first rank in the University. I was very keen on building embedded systems and I designed, developed and commercializedvarious PC add-on cards like ADC, DAC, 8259, timer.
In 1996, on the basis of my performance and inclination towards research, I was recommended for pursuing Doctoral research at IIT Bombay. It was a bold step for me to migrate to a metro. Hostel life at IIT Bombay helped me to become more social. I was thoroughly impressed with the teacher student interactions at IIT Bombay and could find a paradigm shift in my research mindset. It was a proud moment when my Ph.D. thesis was nominated for the Best Thesis Award at 44th DAE–Solid State Physics Symposium (India), held at Punjab. To explore a diverse set of responsibilities, I took up deputation at the Directorate of Technical Education – Maharashtra, Mumbai for the admission work of professional courses. I have also contributed as Head, Quality Assurance, in World Bank assisted TEQIP Project of Govt. of India. This deputation helped me to enhance my administrative and leadership skills. However, to satisfy my passion for teaching, I took up the opportunity to work at VJTI, Mumbai.
Subsequently, I joined Vidyalankar in 2013, where I got the encouragement and a positive ambience for exploring my academic and administrative skills. I could connect many students to TIFR and IIT Bombay through projects like development of breakthrough technologies such as memristors, and nanowires, design and simulation of adders using novel devices like FINFET using Cadence software of our lab. Besides these, I also conducted student development programs on “Applied Facets of IC Technology” at TIFR and conducted Cadence trainings at our campus. I have always encouraged students and faculty to publish technical papers and participate in technical competitions. Students guided by me have received best paper awards in International IEEE conferences, participated in competitions like Avishkar, Hackathon where their projects ranked in the top 200 at national level. While working with M.E. and Ph.D. students, I engaged them in different research methodologies and our efforts resulted in receiving an Australian Patent for our research work in sensor network. On the administrative front, I have initiated a number of quality enhancement initiatives on the campus. It was indeed a memorable moment when our focused efforts and team work as Coordinator, VIT was accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council with a A+ grade in our very first cycle.
I feel energized by practicing Yoga and meditation. I enjoy cooking, listening to spiritual discourses and doing my bit towards helping the needy.