Assistant Professor
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
During my school days, I was very fascinated with the functionality of how electronic devices work and operate. Since then I started building my interest in it by reading articles and magazines showcasing information related to it. I remember my father said that we have become a slave of electronic devices to the extent that we have become dependent on it. So it’s very important to overpower and conquer it.
So then I decided that I will pursue my career in this field. I decided to start the technical career at the early stage so I took the admission into Diploma after the SSC examination. In diploma I got a basic understanding of how things work and some practical approach into it. After completing the Diploma I pursued BE and ME in EXTC to gain more insights into it; motivated and inspired me to become a good teacher, which enlightened me a thought to pursue teaching and be a good teacher for nation-building.
While doing my studies I always preferred studying in group. While doing the same I used to explain difficult concepts in a very simple way to my friends. Many of my friends motivated and inspired me that you can become a good teacher, which enlightened a thought within me that yes I can and I will become a good teacher for our nation-building. So I took a path of becoming a Teacher and made it as a career.
During my teaching career I understood that best learning only takes place by doing things. So it is very important that students are actively involved and engaged during their academic process. To achieve the same I started organizing different workshops for students under the ETSA (Electronics and Telecommunication Students) committee being a convener of it. The workshops were held in such a way that students were made aware of the latest technologies and made actively involved doing some practical activities. E.g.: Designing of Microstrip patch Antennas, Designing of Robots using Arduino, Designing Printed circuit board for smart application.
My area of interest is Microwave communication and Computer networking. I have designed Microstrip patch antennas using DGS (Defected ground structures) and DMS (Defected Microstrip structures) for UWB (Ultra Wideband) application which is used for short-distance high-speed communication. I have also been part of TEJAS networks which deals with the latest optical communication networks especially DWDM networks. I have been awarded with the TSSC Certification for “Commissioning of L1 and DWDM network”. I have also trained students on OADM and DWDM networks which helped them to get a good job in a leading networking company Tikona.
I have been certified with Teaching pedagogy courses which directs towards Progressive Education and Experimental learning. I feel Active learning and Intrinsic Motivation is the key aspect of True Learning. Being a teacher I believe to be a facilitator rather than an Instructor towards students which will help them to achieve their dreams and lead to a bright future. The core value for us is “Student First”.