From my childhood, I was passionate about teaching and the credit goes to the legacy of teaching in my family. My upbringing has not only inspired me towards teaching but also paved a strong foundation for a good lecture delivery. The participation in various extra-curricular activities during my school days has undoubtedly helped in building my confidence and enhancing my interpersonal skills in my today’s stature as an academician.
After graduating from K. J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology (KJSIEIT) in 2008, I joined a Polytechnic institute as a lecturer. In spite of being an IT graduate with a passion to teach Computer programming, I started my teaching career with Electronics subjects. During the series of my industrial visits to companies like TCS, I realised my potential in presenting domains like JAVA which in turn guided me to take the path of specialization in the computer programming skills.
Today after 9 years of joining Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, I can proudly recall John Kennedy famous line, “Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future”. Had I not taken the quantum leap of joining VIT, I would not have been able to nourish my teaching passion to the extent of my expectations. Teaching interesting subjects like C Programming, Human Computer Interaction and Object-Oriented Programming facilitated me to work further in the application domain, all to my liking. I also got the role of guiding final year projects based on web technology, android applications, and user interface applications. I handled various other responsibilities associated with academic and social growth of students which includes IEDP (Intensive Education Development Programme) coordinator, OHU Committee coordinator etc.
Apart from teaching, I always like to share my time with books and music. I love to read fictional books, write poetry, read articles and for the same I used to follow different poets, writers, influencers. As far as technological books are concerned, one book which I really liked is “Blockchain- Blueprint for the new economy”, by Melanie Swan. As Malala Yousafzai said in her book “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world”, it gives me immense pleasure, pride and satisfaction to be a part of such social, ethical and noble career. I always want to bring new and best things for my students.